H. Mert Polat, Frédérick de Meyer, Houriez Céline, Othonas Moultos, Thijs Vlugt. Predicting the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Curves of CO2 and H2s in Aqueous Blends of Mdea and Piperazine Using Molecular Simulations and Quantum Chemistry Calculations 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 2023, Orlando, United States
Wen-Hwa Siah, Marco Campestrini, Paolo Stringari. Solid phase I of carbon dioxide: a new Gibbs free energy equation of state and its application for the calculation of the solubility of CO2 in different solvents Journées d?Etude des Equilibres entre Phases, Oct 2023, Rouen, France
Nicolas Gassies, Marco Campestrini, Paolo Stringari. Development of a new type of crucible for studying thermal properties of pressurized samples involving gases by calorimetry, application to planetary science and energy transport and storage Journées d?Etude des Equilibres entre Phases, Oct 2023, Rouen, France
Marco Campestrini, Salem Hoceini, Paolo Stringari. Crystallization risk of aromatic compounds in LNG production. Part II: The solubility of p-xylene in methane-rich mixtures down to cryogenic temperatures 16th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Products and Process Design, May 2023, La Pineda, Spain
Arnaud Delebarre, Elise El Ahmar, Marco Campestrini, Willy Morscheidt, Marie-Françoise Curto. Education of students and citizens for process development 17th Society and Materials, May 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany
Salem Hoceini, Marco Campestrini, Paolo Stringari. Crystallization risk of aromatic compounds in LNG production. Part I: The solubility of benzene in methane-rich mixtures down to cryogenic temperatures 17th Cryogenics 2023, IIR International Conference, Apr 2023, Dresden, Germany
Driss El Kinaoui, Céline Houriez, Christophe Coquelet, Yannick Kieffel, Thomas Berteloot. To the Determination of Thermodynamic Properties of g3 ?C3F7cn - CO2 - O2? Insulating Gas for Electrical Circuit Breaker AiChE 2022, Nov 2022, Phoenix, France
Frédérick de Meyer, Alexey Orlov, Christophe Coquelet, Xavier Rozanska. A New Computational-Experimental Screening Methodology Identifies More Effective Solvents for CO2 Capture AiChE 2022, Nov 2022, Phoenix, France
David Bluck, Seiya Hirohama, Nevin Gerek Ince, Marco Campestrini, Paolo Stringari, Freddy Garcia, Jean-Jacques Bartuel. Improving the Capability of Process Simulators to Represent Solid-Fluid Equilibria Applied to Natural Gas Liquefaction: The Methane + Neopentane System at Low Temperature AIChE Annual Meeting 2022, Nov 2022, Phoenix, United States
Arnaud Delebarre. International Teaching Adaptation to Pandemic and Sustainability Constrains 16th Society And Materials International Conference 2022, Nov 2022, Bordeaux, France
Vincent Okechukwu Dickson, Thomas Deleau, Christophe Coquelet, Fabienne Espitalier, Julien Lombart, Antoine Tardy. Influence du modèle utilisé pour le calcul de constantes d'équilibre à température modérée pour des électrolytes SFGP2022 - 18e Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France. pp.9, ⟨10.1051/matecconf/202337901003⟩
Arnaud Delebarre, Elise El Ahmar, Marco Campestrini, Willy Morscheidt, Marie-Françoise Curto. Education of students and citizens for process development 18th Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés SFGP2022, SFGP, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France
Serena Delgado, Renaud Cadours, Christophe Coquelet, Alain Gaunand, Céline Volpi. Absorption de gaz par des solutions réactives : adaptation de l?instrumentation d?une cellule agitée d?étude cinétique et application à des systèmes CO2/amines SFGP2022 - 18e Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France. pp.01001, ⟨10.1051/matecconf/202337901001⟩
Frédérick De Meyer, Bénédicte Poulain, Alexey Orlov, Alexandre Varnek, Alain Valtz, Christophe Coquelet, Xavier Rozanska, Erich Wimmer. Computer-aided experimental identification of new solvents for CO2 absorption 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT-16, Oct 2022, Lyon, France
Paolo Stringari, Marco Campestrini, Salem Hoceini. On the crystallization of solid formers during liquefaction of gases 32nd European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Jul 2022, Gratz, Austria
Michel Masella, Vaérie Vallet, Florent Réal, Houriez Céline. Sodium/halides aqueous droplets in vacuo at the sub micron scale : size, temperature and concentration effects on their structural properties from simulations at the microscopic level. EGU General Assembly 2022, May 2022, Vienne (AUT), Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu22-32⟩
Marion Négrier, Elise El Ahmar, Martial Sauceau, Romain Sescousse, Tatiana Budtova. Porous materials from cellulose and starch : aerogels and cryogels ACS Spring 2022, Mar 2022, San Diego, United States
Marion Négrier, Elise El Ahmar, Martial Sauceau, Romain Sescousse, Tatiana Budtova. From textile waste to cellulose aerogels beads ACS Spring 2022, Mar 2022, San Diego, United States
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