

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




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The 3rd edition of the seminar “Cryogenic liquids as energy carriers” organized by CTP

The 3rd edition of the seminar “Cryogenic liquids as energy carriers” organized by CTP

The objective announced at COP 21 by the countries member of the European Union is to reduce by 30% the greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to those of 1990 and to achieve carbon neutrality in 2100. The development of renewable energies is therefore a priority. In this context, energy transport and storage play a key role.

Natural gas, biogas and hydrogen are high-potential energy carriers that have experienced strong growth in recent years. Indeed, these energy vectors have a globally recognized importance for the implementation (on different time scales) of a real energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources. In this perspective, natural gas is the fossil fuel that will ensure this transition in the short and medium term, while biogas and hydrogen are considered among the energetic vectors of the future.

CTP organized the third edition of the seminar “Cryogenic liquids as energy carriers” on October 17, 2017 at MINES ParisTech in Paris, focused on natural gas, biogas and hydrogen. The program of the seminar is available here.

Air Liquide, CryoPur, ENGIE, Shell, Technip, Maire Tecnimont  and Total have attended the seminar, together with the invited research centers from MINES ParisTech (PERSEE and CES) .

Further information about the presentations of the seminar can be obtained by contacting the organising committee: Paolo Stringari  and Marco Campestrini.

Cryogenic liquids as energy carriers - Mines Paris - PSL

Actualité - Mines Paris - PSL


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