The Centre of Thermodynamics of Processes (CTP) is the result of the evolution of more than thirty years of the Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria (TEP in French) team of MINES ParisTech. Created in the early 80s in the CEREP (Reactors and Processes Centre), the CEREP/TEP integrated the CENERG (Energy Centre) in 2001.
In 2004, the CENERG/TEP became CEP/TEP further to the change in the name of the CENERG which became CEP (Energy and Processes Centre). On 1st January 2013 and following the reorganization of the CEP, the CTP was created and became one of the four Centres of "Energy and Processes Department", a teaching and research department of MINES ParisTech.
Staff on 1st January 2017
21 people, including :
240 ans de recherche et de formation
Vidéo : 240ans de recherche
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Mines Paris plébiscitée par ses étudiantes
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Femmes de science
Chercheuses confirmées, doctorantes, élèves ou alumni,
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Quelle école d’ingénieurs a le
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En l'honneur de Cécile DeWitt-Morette
Claude Ribbe (Mairie du 6e arrondissement), Armand Hatchuel
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Classement "Employabilité" THE 2022
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