

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




CoRDÉES : gouvernance énergétique de quartier


Prédiction solaire pour des suiveurs photovoltaïques


The REstable project


Research fields

The majority of the CTP's research topic is linked to industrial applications. The work, particularly amonts of TRL 1 to 3 (Technology Readiness Level), is useful in many fields and for many industrial applications, with the optimization of energy expenditure and the consideration of environmental and process safety constraints in focus.

The 3 major research fields of the CTP are :

Oil and gas engineering and CO2 capture, transport and storage

Optimization of thermodynamic and energy systems

Biomass and green chemistry

Other activities are also under consideration at the CTP. We can quote :

Kinetics and calculation multiphase and precipitation reactors :

The kinetics and precipitation topic has so far developed with projects related to the hydrometallurgical industry (ERAMET, UMICORE) and to specialties industries (SOLVAY, Saint-Gobain). It relies on kinetic measurements in reactors which temperature is between ambient and close to boiling, in concentrated acidic or basic aqueous solutions, with analyzes of the solid particles (case of precipitations) and of the solutions. The objective of these studies is to establish a process modelling including equilibrium in solution and the micro-mixing of the reactants and to adjust these kinetic parameters for the design of industrial reactors for continuous operation. The experience gained over many gas-liquid reactive multiphase systems (attacks of solid bodies, oxidation of solutions, liquid-liquid extraction, crystallization, sol-gel processes) will also possibly be used with other systems already examined by the CTP – CO2 topics, biomass, reactions on air gases – while benefiting from the capabilities of the Centre's technical achievements.

Supercritical fluids :

Supercritical fluids are interesting for separation and extraction operations. Research conducted at the CTP mainly concerns the measurement of thermodynamic properties (density, heat capacity), the direct measurement of critical data (temperature and critical pressure) and their modelling. The CTP is developing treatment means with the help of scaling laws adapted to the neighbourhood of the critical point.




research fields - Mines Paris - PSL


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