

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




CoRDÉES : gouvernance énergétique de quartier


Prédiction solaire pour des suiveurs photovoltaïques


The REstable project



For over 35 years, the CTP has gained national and international reputation in the field of thermodynamics of phase equilibrium. It has also developed a network of industrial and academic partners.

Industrial partners

In France: TOTAL, Arkema, Solvay, EDF, Engie, IFP EN, Air Liquide

Abroad: Gas Processors Association, BASF, Statoil, Shell, ENITECH, OMV, Linde

Example of industrial partnership: Air Liquide and the CTP are collaborating for over 15 years in the frame of PhD research (4), of research projects funded by the State (2) and many other research contracts (> 6). Besides, Air Liquide is also involved in training through lectures from its engineers towards MINES ParisTech students (Energy and Processes option, Trades of the Generalist Engineer).

The SMEs direct partners

  • The CTP has developed a know-how for the construction of equipment for measuring the thermodynamic properties of phase equilibrium. The CTP is regularly contacted to manufacture and sell these devices to other research laboratories. In order to further valorise its know-how while pursuing its innovation and research activities, the CTP decided in 2012 to sign a framework agreement with Top Industrie, a SME specialized in the sale of research equipment. The idea is to design and build together devices and equipment and to provide training to use in the premises of CTP and directly in the partner's devices. The aim is to meet the requests of our contacts but also to establish new relationships with other institutions or companies for the realisation of joint research projects. Likewise, the CTP will keep on solicit its two partners (EIF and Top Industrie) as for the marketing of the ROLSI™ sampler.
  • The Processium company is a member of the Axelera competitiveness cluster and receives financial support from the manufacturers of the Lyon region. The transfer of the methods developed within the CTP will be done with Processium. In return, Processium will promote the development of new techniques, models and skills by funding PhD theses. Besides, the CTP is committed with Processium in the e-thermoTM adventure about the creation and the development of databases including models and treatment methods.


Due to its size and the universality of its research topic, the CTP seeks to establish collaboration with other academic and industrial research teams to share its know-how and to acquire others about actions to be complementary to its.

  • Within the Energy and Processes department and Mines ParisTech

As part of  Process Decarbonation and New and Renewable Energy topics of the Energy and Processes department of MINES ParisTech, the CTP is collaborating with other centres of this department. For example, with the CES for the CO2 capture or the optimization of thermodynamic cycles (fluid modelling). This allows the department to incorporate the fundamental aspects related to knowledge of the fluids and the modelling of their thermophysical properties, the simulation of processes and cycles and the sizing of the demonstrators. We can quote the current project with the GPA on the cryogenic purification of natural gas and the ADEME project on CO2 capture in collaboration with Air Liquide. The CTP has collaborated with the CES in the frame of the gas analysis and the implementation of solution for fluids sampling in order to analyse their compositions as part of an ANR project. The CTP has also worked with PERSEE (Plasma team) for the realisation of one of their reactors. The CTP, PERSEE and the CES have collaborated as part of a PhD thesis funded by EDF Chatou and presented in 2014. Other actions will follow, especially as concerns the use of supercritical fluids as extraction solvent.

  • Within MINES ParisTech, ParisTech, Institut Mines-Telecom and PSL

The CTP is collaborating with the Geosciences centre of MINES ParisTech, especially about the CO2 storage and the development of a thermodynamic model in order to model the behaviour of the CO2 and its impurities in saline aquifers, for example.

The CTP is collaborating with ENSTA ParisTech (historically, both teams were members of the former CEREP) as part of scientific topics related to the study of the biomass and green chemistry, the study of fluorochemicals, the hydrates gases and the supercritical fluids.

  • National academic collaboration

As part of the ANR projects, the CTP has to work with French universities and engineering schools. Among others, we can mention the Molecular Interactions and Thermodynamics (TIM) team (Blaise-Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand),  the Center for Chemical Engineering (Mines, Saint-Étienne), the RAPSODEE Centre (Mines, Albi – Carmaux) and the Laboratory of Science of Processes and Materials (LSPM) (University Paris XIII, Villetaneuse).

  • International academic collaboration

The CTP is collaborating with many international universities, among them Heriot-Watt University in the United Kingdom, the DTU (Technical University of Denmark) in Denmark and the Polytechnic School of Milan (Politecnico di Milano) in Italy.


  • The CTP is a member of the Process Thermodynamics working group of the French Society of Process Engineering.
  • The CTP is a member of the Hydrates working group created in 2018.
  •  The CTP is a member of the Molecular and Process Thermodynamics working group created in 2012.
  • The CTP is a member of the high pressures technology network of the CNRS.

Some teachers-researchers of the CTP are also members of the ACS and of the International Institute of Refrigeration .


Partnership - Mines Paris - PSL


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