

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




CoRDÉES : gouvernance énergétique de quartier


Prédiction solaire pour des suiveurs photovoltaïques


The REstable project



The CTP has an experimental platform for measuring the thermophysical properties, equipped with:

– a High-Safety laboratory with 10 fume cupboards for working with some toxic fluids such as NOx, SOx, H2S, CO, amines, etc.

– a laboratory adapted to work in cryogenic conditions (with a liquid nitrogen tank installed outside)

– a laboratory for measuring the phases equilibrium properties+ gas hydrates

– a calorimetry laboratory

– a laboratory for studying mass and precipitation transfers.

The CTP also has a technology platform for the design of measuring equipment, equipped with:

– a complete workshop

– a room for installation, equipment and training tests.

Besides, the CTP also has a digital platform for the prediction of thermophysical properties with various means for data treatment and the prediction of thermo-physical properties and two workstations for molecular simulation work (others are foreseen to be bought).

The experimental tools available in the various laboratories of the CTP allow us to measure the equilibrium thermodynamic properties (liquid-vapor, liquid-liquid, liquid-liquid-vapor and solid-liquid equilibrium, gas hydrates, critical points, activity coefficient, etc.), but also  non-equilibrium properties (densities, mixing enthalpies and heat capacities). For more information, click here.

The CTP also develops its own modelling and data treatment tools (mainly equations of state) but also uses the tools available in commercial software (Aspen, Prosim, Refprop, etc.).

The great strength of the CTP lies in its ability to design original measurement devices for the study of phases equilibrium properties. It is important to note that the original scientific devices, for measuring the thermodynamic properties, were intended for the own work of the CTP and for its researchers who needed original, specialized and extremely accurate tools. The quality of the developed tools and the expertise acquired in this field by the CTP have generated a demand from other research teams of worldwide university laboratories but also from R&D teams of prestigious companies. This is why the CTP has also offered an activity that aims to promote and commercialise its devices while ensuring quality training. For more information, click here.


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