

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




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CTPLib is the CTP's library for the calculation of the thermodynamic properties.

CTP Lib generalises TEP lib by offering, besides the cubic state equations, models to represent associative and/or long-molecule fluids with the help of the CPA and PC-SAFT state equations.

It also offers a very accurate model of the CO2, corresponding to Span and Wagner's equation, and a model of the ammonia-water system (NH3-H2O) derived from the one proposed by Ziegler and Trepp.

For more information, click here.


In the frame of the AVENE PME research programme, the CTP has putted online a new software package for companies (especially SMEs and SOHOs) working in the biogas sector. This software package allows you to predict the thermophysical properties of the gas mixtures present in the biogas (a mixture mainly made out of methane - CH4 - and carbon dioxide - CO2).

The models proposed have been selected according to their ability to provide the best representation of the available experimental data. The software package aims to become a reference support and tool for companies which daily face the sizing of production units, purification and use of biogas, and strongly need to have quick access to reliable values of the thermophysical properties.

This software package is innovative since original methods in relation to phase equilibrium resolution allow to take into account the presence of possible solid phases which may occur in units such as those dedicated to the liquefaction or the purification of the biogas by cryogenic methods.


The CTP gathers its experimental data on e-thermoTM (Processium, France), a central platform for data management, accessible via the Internet.

For more information, click here.


softwares - Mines Paris - PSL


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