

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




CoRDÉES : gouvernance énergétique de quartier


Prédiction solaire pour des suiveurs photovoltaïques


The REstable project



The study of the thermodynamic properties of refrigerants or fluorochemicals is part of a policy and a research programme launched since the early 90s. Many PhD theses and many articles have been published. Refrigeration, air conditioning, Rankine's cycles or heat pumps are energy systems which optimization also depends on the choice of the fluid. This fluid may be a pure compound or a mixture whose thermodynamic and thermophysical properties and phase diagrams must be determined. The CTP has already done much work on this topic. In the coming years, the CTP's project is to develop expertise in molecular simulation on such fluids for there are many opportunities as for fluids whose diagrams cannot all be determined experimentally without a prohibitive cost and efforts.

The results of the molecular simulation will lead to a first selection in order to focus the measurement work on fluids of interest.

The other application of fluorochemicals relates to the separation of components: these fluids can reduce energy costs in relation to the extraction of synthetic organic compounds, Fischer Tropsch for example.

In this respect, the CTP is working on the study of the thermodynamic properties of the fluids, mainly as concerns phase equilibrium, density, calorimetry and molecular simulation.

For more information, click here.

refrigerants - Mines Paris - PSL


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